Monday, August 1, 2011

LIOCN Member, Steve Piatt, Honored.

New York Outdoor news editor, Steve Piatt, one of our newest members, and associate editor, Paula Piatt, have been honored by the New York State 4-H Shooting Sports Program as recipient of the prestigious Empire State Award. The award was presented in recognition of New York Outdoor News' efforts to promote the shooting sports and hunting.

In presenting the award,William Schwerd, NYS 4-H Shooting Sports Program Coordinator, said of Steve and Paula: "Your writings shared everything from great turkey hunts, to fishing adventures and the efforts of the many groups that are working to ensure that the next generation will be able to enjoy our outdoor heritage -[and] have done much to present the face of out outdoor enthusiasts to observers in a favorable light."

The award was announced at the organization's 11th annual fundraising banquet and auction.

Congratulations to Steve and Paula for this most significant recognition and honor.

New LIOCN Member: Andy Nabreski

Please join me in welcoming Andy Nabreski, the newest member of the Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network. Andy is a very talented outdoor communicator, specializing in fishing and hunting photography and writing. He is also a lecturer and graphic designer with expertise in magazine and book design. Andy is the Design Manager for On the Water magazine and in his travels covers the Long Island fishing scene as well as other key markets in the region. Andy is a great addition to the network. AP

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Member: Steve Piatt

Hello All...We are on a roll recently with some outstanding new members to the Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network. Our latest is Steve Piatt, Editor of the award-winning and well read New York Outdoor News. Steve has been the editor of the NYON since its inception in 2004 and has been a reporter and editor for more than 30 years. Above all else, Steve is an avid and passionate outdoorsman who has fished and hunted all across North America. According to his official bio: Steve loves spring gobbler hunting; deer hunting with bow or rifle; fly fishing the Adirondacks and Catskills as well as backcountry brook trout streams; and hunting pheasants with one of his three Labrador retrievers. Steve is also an avid sports fan. We have exchanged many emails about local football, baseball and hockey teams. Steve is a member of the New York Outdoor Writers Association, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Trout Unlimited and National Rifle Association. Please join me in welcoming Steve out network. He is a great addition. AP

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Member: Pete Barrett

Hello Again...
Well...our ranks keep growing. Our newest member is sure to be known to most, if not all of you. Pete Barrett is one of the most prolific recreational fishing writers of our time. He has authored countless feature articles and columns for many prestigious regional and national publications. Pete is also an accomplished book author. His latest title, Fishing Soft Baits in Saltwater, has become a bible of sorts for anglers fishing plastics. Pete currently lives in New Jersey and splits his time between the Garden State and the Sunshine State, but he has a definite soft spot for Long Island. Pete currently writes columns and features for both On the Water Magazine and The Fisherman. Please join me in welcoming Pete to the Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network. Thank you...AP

Hello All...
Please join me in welcoming Pete McDonald, the newest member of the Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network. Pete is a very accomplished journalist and book author. He hails from Boca Raton but currently calls Long Island home. Pete received his professional training at the Columbia School of Journalism His recent book, The Blitz- Fly-Fishing the Atlantic Migration was co-authored with Tosh Brown and has met with rave reviews. We are fortunate to have Pete as a member of our group. For further details about Pete's book please visit Departure Publishing at

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fred Golofaro: Official Press Release

The following is the official press release from the "Hall" regarding Fred Golofaro's induction into the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. I have been asked by the chairman of the induction committee to circulate this to all local media. Those of you who might see fit or have the opportunity to use this release please do so, or to use my version that was previously emailed. Thank you...AP

[New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame

Press Release

March 10, 2011

For release at your convenience]

New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame Honors Fred Golofaro

The New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame proudly announces that its class of inductees for 2011 will include Fred Golofaro of Suffolk County. Golofaro will be one of eight inductees honored at the annual banquet April 30 in Canastota, NY.

The New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame is an organization dedicated to honoring sportsmen who have made significant achievements in outdoors-related fields. More importantly, they are recognized for their long-time service in preserving our outdoor heritage and helping others experience it. The NYSOHOF is also involved in programs such as kids fishing derbies, clinics, seminars, and similar activities.

Fred Golofaro, editor of “The Fisherman” magazine, has been active in involving youth in fishing and a major advocate for expanding access and opportunity for sport fishing in the Long Island region. He has established a non profit Sport Fishing Fund that benefits outdoors activities for youth and funds conservation issues. The Kids Fishing Camp established by Golofaro educates children about recreational sport fishing and outdoor recreation.

Golofaro developed and managed the “Send a Kid Fishing” program that has allowed over 20,000 children to experience fishing and outdoor recreation. He also manages a series of annual fishing tournaments whose revenues support recreational fishing opportunities at state parks throughout Long Island. In addition to being an advocate for access rights and sport fishing, he has actively been involved with the Fishing Advisory Board and Casting for Recovery.

The annual banquet and induction will involve sportsmen and organizations from all across New York State. It will be held April 30 at the Rusty Rail in Canastota with registration and social hour beginning at 5 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Guests and interested parties are welcome. For information or reservations please call (315) 363-3896.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Video Technology

Hi all, I just wanted to let you know about some new video shooting technology I added to my arsenal a couple of months go, which will prove very useful to those of us in this outdoor communications profession. It is very easy to get overburdened by technology in pursuit if the story in these days of multi media acquisition. The written word must compete with the instantly captured and uploaded form the beach still image, which must in turn compete with the everyone can do it HD video.
Last November I acquired a Nikon D7000, primarily a still camera, with the capability of capturing full 1080p HD video. It's not the first camera of it kind on the market but it is essentially the first from Nikon. It uses all Nikon compatible lenses, either from Nikon or third party manufacturers like Tokina or Sigma. I knew that the quality of its still images would be superb, it is a Nikon after all, but the quality of its video capture was an unknown.
To test its video capabilities I set up and shot this "Snippet" of my wife, Michaela, in the process of designing and making one of her custom baby blankets. I am delighted with the quality of the video captured. I can now use my bag of Nikon lenses to do more than just capture stills. In some respects I can do more with the D7000 and my bag of lenses than I can do with a $7,000 dedicated video camera, macro, super tele, very precise and controlled depth of field etc. The Nikon D7000, like all the other HDSLR cameras in its class, offers adequate but limited audio recording and, due to the nature of it's sensor, it has limitations shooting from a moving vehicle or in fast pan moves. For me though, the cameras capabilities and what it adds to my camera bag far outweigh any of its limitations, most of which can be worked around with a little planning anyway.
With this camera and a couple of basic lenses you can now be a mobile multimedia mogul, ready to cover, capture and broadcast any story.
As time permits I intend to shoot a series of "Snippets" of artisans working their crafts, so far I have plans for a cane fly rod builder, a fly tier, a plug turner and a jeweler.
Hope you enjoy the "Snippet".

Richard Siberry, Photographer

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fred Golofaro to be Honored

Hello All,

Some great news to report regarding a remarkable achievement by one of our own. I was recently informed that Fred Golofaro has been selected for induction into the New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. The selection committee recently convened to vote on the 2011 class of inductees and Fred was a unanimous selection. His induction will take place in April. Please join me in congratulating Fred on this most prestigious recognition of his life-long achievements. The following release has some of the details. More to follow after the induction ceremony. Next stop, a bronze statue of Fred with a surf stick and striped bass in Monument Park, right next to Babe Ruth!

Thank you...AP

Fred Golofaro to be Inducted into the New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame

Fisherman Senior Editor, Fred Golofaro, has been selected as a 2011 inductee into the esteemed New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. A selection committee comprised of notable dignitaries and previous honorees made the selection at their annual February 2001 meeting. Fred’s induction into the ‘Hall’ will occur later this year in April at the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame Annual Banquet. This significant honor will be bestowed upon Fred Golofaro in recognition of his lifetime achievements to support and advance recreational fishing on Long Island and throughout New York State. His nomination cites Fred as being a dedicated and selfless champion of the outdoors, educating New York’s youth and people of all ages about fishing, the outdoors, fisheries conservation and respect for the fisheries we all enjoy. Fred has been a life-long leader within the recreational fishing community and industry, fighting for fishermen access rights throughout Long Island and Metropolitan New York areas, and he has been a prime mover for other fisheries initiatives throughout the state of New York. His contributions to the sport fishing industry and to those who enjoy the sport are countless and know no boundaries. Fred Golofaro is the consummate outdoors professional, always willing to help any fisherman and any cause that ensures the future of New York State fisheries and of the sport. He is the epitome of what defines a true New York State outdoorsman.

Those of us who know Fred are extremely proud of his achievements, his dedication to the causes of recreational fishing and for this most prestigious honor. So please join us in congratulating Fred Golofaro for this extraordinary recognition and for his upcoming induction into the New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. Congratulations, Fred!

New Members

Hello all,
Please join me in welcoming the newest members to the Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network:

Austin Perilli, noted angler and outdoors writer;
Ken Moran, renowned outdoorsman and outdoor columnist for the New York Post;
Glen Sapir, distingished former editor/exec editor at the "Big Three" outdoor magazines, and now a director of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

It is great having this trio on board LIOCN.

As far as the next dinner goes Chris Paparo is working on our behalf to see if an arrangement can be made for our group at the aquarium. Last show of hands had the aquarium with 17 votes, far and away the majority vote. If for any reason the aquarium cannot accommodate us the fall-back Plan B is either the Riverview or the Snapper Inn. Fred and I will work on those arrangements if need be. As it is looking right now, the most probable date will be a Thursday in late March. I should know the venue later this week. Stay tuned...AP